Resultaat 1 - 12 (van 12)
Tove Jansson Letters from Klara
In this collection comprising of thirteen short stories, Jansson masterfully crafts unsettling narratives that delve into unexpected connections, awkward encounters, and solitary moments From reconnecting with childhood friends in "Party Games" to exploring the theme of ageing in "Trip to the Riviera", Jansson's short story collection "Letters from Klara" beautifully and intimately depicts the human condition in all its pain and joy. © 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters™ Published in the English...
Engels | 3 uur 33 minuten (155 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Tove Jansson The Summer Book
On a pristine island in the Gulf of Finland, six-year-old Sophia is awakening to life, while her wise yet cranky grandmother is contemplating its end. This unlikely duo becomes each other's perfect companions for a season of unforgettable adventures. From crafting boats out of bark to creating their own miniature Venice, they explore their island world with youthful curiosity and aged wisdom. Along the way, they tackle the universal questions that captivate young and old: What is life and death?...
Engels | 4 uur 2 minuten (177 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Tove Jansson Travelling Light
Venture beyond the familiar and discover the fragile line between tranquility and turmoil in 12 gripping and unnerving short stories, masterfully crafted by Tove Jansson. From a professor stranded in a picturesque Spanish village to a holiday in Finland disrupted by an intrusive child, each tale unravels the unsettling facets of journeys that veer off course. Brilliantly evoking the shifting scenes and restlessness of summer, "Travelling Light" is guaranteed to surprise. © 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin...
Engels | 5 uur 36 minuten (244 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Tove Jansson Art in Nature
Immerse yourself in this riveting short story collection where art takes center stage - but not always for the better. Journey with an elderly caretaker who resolves a couple's spat over a painting, revealing the art market's complexities. Follow a draughtsman whose obsession with locomotives derails his love life, and a cartoonist who risks his sanity to fill in for a troubled colleague. Through tales that are witty yet unsettling, Jansson confronts obsession, ambition, and the pitfalls of artistic...
Engels | 3 uur 55 minuten (170 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Tove Jansson Fair Play
Winner of the 2009 Bernard Shaw Prize for Translation. ´Fair Play´ is a poignant portrayal of the intricacies of love and work through the lens of two women, both accomplished artists, whose intimate relationship defied societal norms. Set against the backdrop of Helsinki and summers on their remote island paradise, Jansson weaves together the nuanced details of the women's creative lives, offering a rich tapestry of their daily routines, artistic process, and innermost thoughts. Through the lens...
Engels | 2 uur 23 minuten (106 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2024
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Lina Wolff Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs
At a run-down brothel in Caudal, Spain, the prostitutes are collecting stray dogs. Each is named after a famous male writer: Dante, Chaucer, and Bret Easton Ellis. When a john is cruel, the dogs are fed rotten meat. To the east, in Barcelona, an unflappable teenage girl is endeavouring to trace the peculiarities of her life back to one woman: Alba Camb, writer of violent short stories, who left Caudal as a girl and never went back. Mordantly funny, dryly sensual, written with a staggering lightness...
Engels | 9 uur 55 minuten (434 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2023
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Julian Barnes Hm, hé, ha: kunst en woorden
Deze tweetalige uitgave ‘Hm, hé, ha: Kunst en woorden’ bevat de prikkelende tekst die Julian Barnes uitsprak ter gelegenheid van de tweede Joost Zwagerman Lezing in november 2019 te Alkmaar. We lijken niet in staat schilderijen te bekijken zonder erop los te leuteren. Waarom hebben we niet genoeg aan de schilderijen? En waarom verwachten we dat de kunstenaars zelf zo behulpzaam zijn hun eigen prestaties te verwoorden? Of dat critici dat voor hen doen? Woorden zijn niet altijd vrienden van de kunst.’...
Nederlands | Engels | 64 pagina's (ePub2) | Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2019
Yvonne Gillissen The march of the cats
Amsterdam's headstrong cats are discontented and cross. They're not being treated well enough, at least they don't think so. During a meeting, they decide to leave the inhabitants of the capital city and go off into the wide world. In just one night, they form a procession and disappear quietly to look for adventure at the North Pole. In the meantime, the people and children are left behind, sad and desolate. For ages 9 to 109 Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 10 pagina's (ePub3, 0,6 MB) | Xpath Design multimedia productions, Amsterdam | 2022
Yvonne Gillissen The cats have a plan
Those cheeky Amsterdam cats are back. After years of peace and quiet, they've had enough. A few of the more enterprising animals decide to take matters into their own paws and forge a fantastic plan. It will take courage, and also a lot of money. But how do they get that? The story of The Plan of the Cats, for children (9+) and cat lovers (from 9 to 109) is a sequel to The March of the Cats. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 11 pagina's (ePub3, 0,6 MB) | Xpath Design, Amsterdam | 2022
Saskia Noort Stromboli
a novel
Hundreds of thousands of readers enjoy the joined column by writers' couple Sara and Karel on a daily basis, where they report openly about their life as a family. But behind this facade of their bohemian lifestyle a daily life filled with envy, resentment and even violence is festering. After another nocturnal escalation it's game over: Sara decides to leave Karel. Soon after Sara becomes isolated - nobody wants anything to do with her any longer. In order to get her life back on track she checks...
Engels | ePub2 | Lebowski, Amsterdam | 2021
Catherine Steadman De verdwijning
Actrice Mia Eliot is vanuit Londen naar LA gekomen om auditie te doen – haar kans om definitief door te breken. Ze voelt zich een buitenbeentje in de stad vol beroemde filmsterren en meedogenloze competitie, tot ze Emily ontmoet. Ook zij is actrice, maar ze is vriendelijk en oprecht en Mia kan het onmiddellijk goed met haar vinden. Maar dan verdwijnt Emily plotseling en Mia blijkt de laatste persoon te zijn die haar heeft gezien. Er duikt een vrouw op die beweert dat ze Emily is, maar Mia weet meteen...
Fictie | Psychologische roman | Thriller
Engels | 291 pagina's (ePub2, 2,1 MB) | Xander, Haarlem | 2021
Jan Siebelink In my father's garden
Winner of the 2005 AKO Literatuurprijs - a true Dutch bestseller Translated by Liz Waters Throughout his long career Jan Siebelink has brought to life dozens of characters, yet never before has he come as close to his own roots as in this new novel. In My Fathers Garden is the gripping story of a father-son relationship, in which the father becomes obsessed by a fire-and-brimstone Calvinism. Hans Sievez has a profoundly religious experience at a decisive moment in his life. He is convinced he has...
Engels | 465 pagina's (ePub2, 1 MB) | Publishing house De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam | 2013