Zoekresultaten voor: Understanding Religion
Resultaat 1 - 8 (van 8)
Kadoc Loci sacri
understanding sacred places
Sacred places have long exercised a special fascination. Sacred places are not static entities but reveal a historical dynamic. They are the result of cultural developments and have varied multidimensional levels of significance. They are places where time is, as it were, suspended, and they are points where holy times and holy places meet. Sacred places are places apart. It is this specificity in the context of the Christian religions of the West that Loci Sacri wishes to unveil by bringing together...
Engels | 284 pagina's (PDF, 7,8 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Thomas Coomans Life Inside the cloister
understanding monastic architecture: tradition, reformation, adaptive reuse
Sacred architecture as reality and metaphor in secularised Western society. Christian monasteries and convents, built throughout Europe for the best part of 1,500 years, are now at a crossroads. This study attempts to understand the sacred architecture of monasteries as a process of the tangible and symbolic organisation of space and time for religious communities. Despite the weight of seemingly immutable monastic tradition, architecture has contributed to developing specific religious identities...
Engels | PDF, 17 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2018
Jennifer Larson Understanding Greek religion
a cognitive approach
Engels | 410 pagina's | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Wilfred Cantwell Smith On understanding Islam
selected studies
Engels | 351 pagina's | Mouton, The Hague [etc.] | 1981
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John Locke Locke's essay concerning human understanding
books II and IV ( with omissions)
Engels | Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago | 1905
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Loci Sacri
understanding sacred places
Engels | 280 pagina's | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2012
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David Hume An enquiry concerning human understanding and selections from "A treatise of human nature"
Engels | 267 pagina's | The Open Court Publishing Co, Chicago | 1912
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