Zoekresultaten voor: Public Philosophy
Resultaat 1 - 15 (van 15)
Michael J. Sandel Het onbehagen in de democratie
denken in tijden van crisis
Geactualiseerde versie van het werk uit 1996 van de politiek filosoof, waarin hij ingaat op de gevolgen van sociale ongelijkheid.
Nederlands | 478 pagina's | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2023
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Michael J. Sandel Het onbehagen in de democratie
denken in tijden van crisis
Geactualiseerde versie van het werk uit 1996 van de politiek filosoof, waarin hij ingaat op de gevolgen van sociale ongelijkheid.
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,7 MB | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2023
William M. Sullivan Reconstructing public philosophy
Engels | 238 pagina's | University of California press, Berkeley, Calif., [etc.] | 1982
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Philosophy, and public affairs
Engels | 206 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 2000
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What right does ethics have?
public philosophy in a pluralistic culture
Engels | 160 pagina's | VU University Press, Amsterdam | 1990
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Walter Lippmann Essays in the public philosophy
Engels | 144 pagina's | The New American Library, New York | 1956
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Anthony Kenny The ivory tower
essays in philosophy and public policy
Engels | 137 pagina's | Basil Blackwell, Oxford [etc.] | 1985
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Narrative, philosophy and life
Engels | 210 pagina's | Springer, Dordrecht | 2015
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Dean Cocking | M.J. van den Hoven Evil online
Engels | 159 pagina's | Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ | 2018
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John Teehan In the name of God
the evolutionary origins of religious ethics and violence
Engels | 272 pagina's | Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester [etc.] | 2010
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Articles of faith, articles of peace
the religious liberty clauses and the American public philosophy
Engels | 168 pagina's | Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. | 1990
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G.E.M. Anscombe Faith in a hard ground
essays on religion, philosophy, and ethics
Engels | 273 pagina's | Imprint Academic, Exeter [etc.] | 2008
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Public education in a multicultural society
policy, theory, critique
Engels | 289 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1996
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War and moral responsibility
Engels | 183 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ [etc.] | 1974
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt Our democracy in action
the philosophy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as found in his speeches, messages and other public papers
Engels | 171 pagina's | National home library foundation, Washington, D.C. | 1940
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