Zoekresultaten voor: Public Characters
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Frank Harrison Hill Political portraits
characters of some of our public men; reprinted from "The Daily News", revised and with additional sketches
Engels | 313 pagina's | Strahan & Co, London | 1873
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Address to the Dutch public, on the evils of war and the blessings of peace
a copy of this pamphlet has been presented to His Majesty, and the principal branches of the royal family, also to His Majesty's ministers, to the governors of the various provinces, to every member of the States-General, to numerous public and influential characters, throughout the country, and may be had, gratis, of Nayler and Co
Engels | 48 pagina's | Nayler & Co, Amsterdam | 1844
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C.H. Gifford History of the wars occasioned by the French revolution from the commencement of hostilities in 1792 to the end of the year 1816
embracing a complete history of the revolution; with biographical sketches of most of the public characters of Europe; comprising also in its proper order the history of wars in Spain and Portugal, the American war, the compaigns of the duke of Wellington, Bonaparte etc. and every particular relative to the glorious battle of Waterloo, and those interesting events which terminated a long and desolating war and produced the general peace of Europe; the whole compiled from official documents and the most impartial and authentic sources of information; with numerous embelishments
Engels | 1728 pagina's | W. Lewis, London | 1817
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