Zoekresultaten voor: Financial Accounting
Resultaat 1 - 16 (van 16)
William H. Beaver Financial reporting
an accounting revolution
Engels | 213 pagina's | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. [etc.] | 1981
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Christopher Nobes Financial accounting
an international introduction
Engels | 477 pagina's | Pearson Education, Harlow | 2010
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Arne Kinserdal Financial accounting
an international perspective
Engels | 309 pagina's | Pitman Publishing, London [etc.] | 1998
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Introduction to financial accounting
Engels | 598 pagina's | Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ | 2006
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Shan-Sheng Gao International leasing
its financial and accounting application
Engels | 302 pagina's | University of Central Lancashire Publications, Preston | 1994
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Financial & managerial accounting
the basis for business decisions
Engels | McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Boston, New York, San Francisco | 2009
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Charles T. Horngren Introduction to financial accounting
Engels | 792 pagina's | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. | 1990
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Jill Collis | Andrew Holt | Roger Hussey Business accounting
an introduction to financial and management accounting
Engels | 621 pagina's | Palgrave Macmillan Education, London | 2017
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David Cox Business accounts
for bookkeeping and financial accounting courses
Engels | 556 pagina's | Osborne Books, [Wokingham] | 2017
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Willem Buijink Empirical financial accounting research
compliance with regulation, distributional properties of financial ratios and demand for external auditing
Engels | 139 pagina's | Universitaire Pers Maastricht, Maastricht | 1992
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A.M.M. Blommaert Financieel-economisch management
een inleiding in de bedrijfsadministratie, management accounting, financial accounting en financieel management
Leerboek op HBO/WO-niveau.
Nederlands | 404 pagina's | Academic Service, economie en bedrijfskunde, Schoonhoven | 1993
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Angelo E. DiAntonio Spreadsheet applications in financial accounting
Engels | 391 pagina's | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ | 1986
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Robert G. May A new introduction to financial accounting
Engels | 797 pagina's | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. | 1980
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Trends in managerial and financial accounting
income determination and financial reporting
Engels | 225 pagina's | Nijhoff Social Sciences Division, Leiden [etc.] | 1978
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Ruud G.A. Vergoossen Accounting changes and the use of financial statements
a study among investment analysts
Engels | 148 pagina's | All In/Verhagen | 1994
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S.J. Keuning Accounting for the use of financial capital as an input in production; with an application to multi-factor productivity change estimation
In dit paper wordt getracht een meso-economische meting van de input van financiëel kapitaal in de produktie te operationaliseren, en de consequenties voor de schatting van multifactorproduktiviteitsveranderingen. De cijfers betreffen de jaren 1989-1992
Engels | 25 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Division Presentation and Integration, Sector National Accounts, Voorburg [etc.] | 1997
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