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Ahron Bregman Cursed victory
a history of Israel and the occupied territories
Geschiedenis van Isräel en de bezette gebieden.
Engels | 367 pagina's | Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books, London | 2014
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장진성 Dear leader
Autobiografisch verslag van de jaren in Noord-Korea als hooggeplaatste official en zijn vlucht naar China (2003) en Zuid-Korea (2004).
Engels | 326 pagina's | Rider, London | 2014
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장진성 Dear Leader
poet, spy, escapee, a look inside North Korea
Engels | 339 pagina's | 37 Ink, New York | 2014
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Heraldo Muñoz Getting away with murder
Benazir Bhutto's assassination and the politics of Pakistan
Onderzoek naar de politieke achtergronden van de moord op Benazir Bhutto.
Engels | 268 pagina's | W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY | 2014
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Hester Vaizey Born in the GDR
living in the shadow of the wall
Engels | 224 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 2014
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Ian Haney López Dog whistle politics
how coded racial appeals have reinvented racism and wrecked the middle class
Engels | 277 pagina's | Oxford University Press, New York | 2014
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