Resultaat 1 - 20 (van 22)
Gary K. Waite Heresy, magic, and witchcraft in early modern Europe
Engels | 284 pagina's | Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke [etc.] | 2003
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Making pictures: a century of European cinematography
Historisch overzicht van honderd jaar Europese filmkunst, met het accent op het camerawerk.
Engels | 481 pagina's | Abrams, New York | 2003
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Graham Robb Strangers
homosexual love in the 19th century
A sweeping and compelling history of homosexuality in the nineteenth century, taking in both Europe and America. The three part work is divided up by theme. The first part deals with the treatment of homosexuals, both male and female, by the rest of society - from doctors to law-makers and mothers. Part two describes the lives and loves of gay men and women, and the beginnings of the early gay rights movement. And in the last part Robb writes on crucial aspects of gay culture, from high-brow to pornographic,...
Engels | 341 pagina's | Picador, London [etc.] | 2003
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Europe's invisible migrants
Engels | 246 pagina's | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2003
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D-day to Berlin
De Amerikaanse regisseur George Stevens maakte in opdracht van het Amerikaanse leger films over de bevrijding van Europa. Deze documentaire is samengesteld uit 16-mm kleurenfilms die hij voor privégebruik maakte
Marco Langbroek 'Out of Africa', a study into the earliest occupation of the Old World
Engels | 137 pagina's | 2003
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Jacques Le Goff The birth of Europe
Engels | 274 pagina's | Blackwell, Malden, Mass. [etc.] | 2005
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Ilya V. Gaiduk The great confrontation
Europe and Islam through the centuries
Geschiedenis van de contacten en confrontaties tussen Europa en de islamitische wereld vanaf de zevende eeuw tot heden.
Engels | 255 pagina's | Dee, Chicago | 2003
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William I. Brustein Roots of hate
anti-semitism in Europe before the Holocaust
Historisch overzicht vanaf omstreeks het begin van de twintigste eeuw tot en met de Tweede Wereldoorlog van antisemitisme in Europa en de verschillende motieven die daarvoor werden aangedragen.
Engels | 384 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 2003
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Glenn Watkins Proof through the night
music and the Great War
Muziekhistorische inventarisatie van de rol die muziek speelde in de Eerste Wereldoorlog.
Engels | 598 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley [etc.] | 2003
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Richard Holmes Complete war walks
from Hastings to Normandy
Engels | 447 pagina's | BBC, London | 2003
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Derek Beales Prosperity and plunder
European Catholic monasteries in the age of revolution, 1650-1815
Engels | 395 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 2003
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Olaf Gersemann Cowboy capitalism
European myths, American reality
Analyse van de economie en samenleving van de Verenigde Staten en van de vooroordelen die daarover in Europa bestaan.
Engels | 247 pagina's | Cato Institute, Washington, D.C. | 2004
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R. Allen Lott From Paris to Peoria
how European piano virtuosos brought classical music to the American heartland
Engels | 366 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 2003
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Daniel Heartz Music in European capitals
the galant style 1720-1780
Engels | 1078 pagina's | Norton, New York [etc.] | 2003
Gedrukt boek
The freshwater fishes of Europe; Cyprinidae 2 and Gasterosteidae
Engels | 454 pagina's | Aula, [Wiesbaden] | 2003
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Victoria Clark The far-farers
a journey from Viking Iceland to Crusader Jerusalem
Engels | 459 pagina's | Macmillan, London | 2003
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Leo Treitler With voice and pen
coming to know medieval song and how it was made
Essays over de Europese zangtraditie in de periode 900-1200; met audio-cd.
Engels | 506 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 2003
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Ken Worpole Last landscapes
the architecture of the cemetery in the West
De geschiedenis van de begraafplaats in Europa en de Verenigde Staten.
Engels | 223 pagina's | Reaktion Books, London | 2003
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A. Peter Brown The second golden age of the Viennese symphony: Brahms, Bruckner, Dvořák, Mahler, and selected contemporaries
Muziekhistorische studie over de romantische symfonieën en het moderne 20e-eeuwse symfonische werk, ingedeeld naar componist.
Engels | 993 pagina's | Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN [etc.] | 2003
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