Resultaat 301 - 320 (van 380)
Erich Franzen Formen des modernen Dramas
von der Illusionsbühne zum Antitheater
Duits | 182 pagina's | Beck, München | 1974
Gedrukt boek
Heinrich Bulle Szenenbilder zum griechischen Theater des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.
Duits | 52 pagina's | Mann, Berlin | 1950
Gedrukt boek
Jacqueline Foertsch American drama
in dialogue, 1714-present
Engels | 291 pagina's | Palgrave, London | 2017
Gedrukt boek
The Oxford handbook of dance and theater
Engels | 1021 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 2017
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Athenian comedy in the Roman Empire
Engels | 295 pagina's | Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London | 2016
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Caroline Ross Small scale tour
De wederwaardigheden van het als collectief opererende toneelgezelschap Kicking Theatre & Co in het New Castle tussen de jaren 70 en het nieuwe millennium en de wisselende carrières van hun leden.
Engels | 323 pagina's | Honno Press, Dinas Powys, South Glamorgan, Wales | 2013
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Mary Louise Hart The art of ancient Greek theater
Engels | 168 pagina's | J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA | 2010
Gedrukt boek
Paula Byrne Jane Austen and the theatre
Engels | 283 pagina's | Hambledon and London, London [etc.] | 2002
Gedrukt boek
The Continuum companion to twentieth century theatre
Engels | 866 pagina's | Continuum, London [etc.] | 2002
Gedrukt boek
Matthias Biskupek Eine moralische Anstalt
Roman mit richtigen Requisiten, letzten Vorhängen und Theaterblut
In een toneelhuis in de DDR spelen persoonlijke en politieke tegenstellingen een grote rol.
Duits | 175 pagina's | Eulenspiegel, Berlin | 2007
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Barry Grantham Playing commedia
a training guide to commedia techniques
Praktische gids voor acteurs in de geschiedenis, personages en speeltechnieken van de Commedia dell' Arte.
Engels | 272 pagina's | Heinemann, Portsmouth, NH | 2001
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Puppets, masks, and performing objects
Engels | 197 pagina's | MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] | 2000
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Nicholas De Jongh Politics, prudery & perversions
the censoring of the English stage, 1901-1968
Until 1968 plays scheduled for performance were censured in England. Scripts had to be submitted and read and their contents approved. The detrimental and often farcical prohibitions left an indelibile mark on decades of English drama. Chapters about playing a prime minister on stage, about the position of women, homosexual relations, politics on stage and Edward Bond's play 'Saved'.
Engels | 272 pagina's | Methuen, London | 2000
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Arnold Aronson American avant-garde theatre
a history
Engels | 242 pagina's | Routledge, London [etc.] | 2000
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Richard Eyre Changing stages
a view of British theatre in the twentieth century
Engels | 400 pagina's | Bloomsbury, London | 2000
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Jennifer Wise Dionysus writes
the invention of theatre in Ancient Greece
Engels | 269 pagina's | Cornell University Press, Ithaca [etc.] | 1998
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Les théâtres de société au XVIIIe siècle
Frans | 291 pagina's | Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Bruxelles | 2005
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Wesley Shrum Fringe and fortune
the role of critics in high and popular art
Bibliografie : p. 265-274. - Met reg. The author concentrates on the way individuals form opinions about culture through the mediation of critics. He shows that it is the extent to which critics shape the reception of an art form that determines its place in the cultural hierarchy. Those who patronize 'lowbrow' art do not heed critical opinions nearly as much as do those who patronize 'highbrow' art. A case study is made of the Edinburgh Fringe, a diverse art festival.
Engels | 284 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. | 1996
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